My better half and I have been searching for the past few months for the perfect home and we think we've finally found it.
Back in November we visited the TriPointe homes in Riverside, California that were being built and they were AMAZING!!! BUT we knew it was out of our budget so we kept our search going.
A couple of weeks ago I looked at the website and noticed a change in the wording of their pricing so I became hopeful they had lowered their price to be within our budget. We were out house hunting on April 2nd and this was our last stop - they had adjusted their pricing!
We knew this had to be our home. Of course the lot we chose is a little over budget but we feel its definitely worth it.
We knew this had to be our home. Of course the lot we chose is a little over budget but we feel its definitely worth it.
Now comes the hard part of making sure everything is in order so that it actually becomes ours!
We are extremely nervous since this is our first home and our dream home!